Yep, this is the CEO of McDonalds Japan. He was also the head of Apple Japan prior to his current position, so I guess you can say he went from one Mac to another. That explains his confidence in front of the camera. He was one of the few japanese executives whom I didn't have to work hard to get a good expression. I think I spent more time searching for the best backdrop. This being an editorial assignment for Forbes Japan where I only have the last 5 or 10 min after the interview to take the photograph, I had a choice of this background or the golden arch. I thought the gold arch would be too cliche, and chose the current "i'm lovin' it," which is probably how he feels.
Beautiful and inspiring blog for a beginner in photography! Thank you
My last comment meant to say "a beginner like myself!"
Thank you Keryn! It gives me great pleasure when I can inspire someone of the joys of photography.
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