beautiful kids

One subject more challenging to photograph than CEOs and politicians is probably children. They are free to go, and you have to catch them on their turf. But when you do catch them like this one, it is most gratifying. Today my cousin's one and a half year old daughter dropped in during a catalogue shoot I was doing at a studio, so we let her loose on the cove and she had a blast. There is no way you can stop an ecstatic child, so I grabbed whatever shots I can as she ran around. This image where she glanced back while making a pass by the camera is precious. It was the best picture I took all day.
wooo~ simply precious!
Hi Nami, I saw your website. You do some really nice work that reminds me of my favorite wedding photographer, Jason Hudson. Plus, I love how you described your passion about photography in such a poetic way. I feel very much the same, but you couldn't have said it any better.
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