Monday, April 03, 2006

seminar / workshop

I just got back from giving a lecture to the Portrait Photographers Association of Kagawa Prefecture down in the Shikoku region of Japan.
I have never spoken to such a large crowd, so needless to say I was a little nervous until I got there. On top of that, I was asked to speak for 4 hours! I figured I can fill one half of the program with lighting demos, and photoshop tips, but can I still talk that much for the other half?
Much to my amazemment, I went 30 minutes overboard and gave a 4 and a half hour lecture. Wow, was I impressed with myself! It certainly boosted my confidence for the future. I thank all the folks who showed their enthusiasm by asking so many questions.

an evening of Kabuki

It's very rare, and a privelege to see Kabuki performed at an exclusive private dining place called the "ryotei."
This was such an occasion sponsored by the 18 year old Old Parr Classic Scotch Whiskey. One of the fringe benefits of being a photographer is that you get to see rare things on the job.