Sunday, January 21, 2007


Just got back from doing a job in Beijing. There is alot of developement there, and new buildings are going up everywhere. In Macau, there is a construction boom with the new Las Vegas style casino opening there in 2008. I guess Beijing is aiming to finish alot of the new developement for the Olympics in 2008 as well. Next year will be a big year for China, but I wonder where it's all going to go afterwards.
Pictured here is the new Jian Wai Soho developement taking place just south of the China World Trade Center in Beijing. I find the current controversy over Starbucks within the Forbidden City ineteresting as I was just there , and couldn't believe they would allow something like that within a historical monument. It also made me wonder if they have a Starbucks in the Pyramids already.