Friday, November 28, 2008

Financial Times

Last week I had the opportunity to shoot for the Financial Times. I don' t shoot newspapers very often, but I liked the idea of shooting for this pink colored paper which always stands out at the news stands. After the shoot, I was on the look out for the issue with my picture but I gave up after a few days, especially when they charge $6 an issue here in Japan. But, with a circulation of 450,000, and 1.6 million readers in over 140 countries, someone is bound to notice. My canadian web designer friend caught it and was kind enough to send me his copy so I can see. It's nice that they printed it quite big. Now, if I can only get a picture on the cover of the Rolling Stone.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

fall colours

With just a little over a month left of 2008, Tokyo is finally showing it's fall colors. Seems that global warming is pushing autumn back by a month these days. Mt. Takao, accessible within one hour from the heart of Tokyo has been given a 3 or 4 star rating by Michelin. As a result, the mountain has become very populated where I would not want to be near of it on weekends , especially this time of the year.
It is a very accessible mountain if you're not a big climber, and the cool fresh air is always refreshing to the mind, spirit, and the body.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

World Diabetes Day

Yesterday(Nov.14,08) was World Diabetes Day, so after lecturing a photography class at an english language school in Shibuya, I drove out to catch the last 30minutes of Tokyo Tower while it was lit blue.
Hopefully those students who attended the class can see what I meant by the importance of a tripod. This was just shot with a compact digital point and shoot camera on program mode, so you can see how easy it is to open up possibilities with it.