chair's got soul

Every now and then I come across inanimate objects which seemed to be posessed by a soul. Such was this old leather chair I saw at a studio during a recent shooting. I felt the chair watching us throughout the day, in a warm way. Each time I had to move the chair out of the way around the room
, beautiful light would find its way to where the chair was as if was being attracted to it. Towards the end of the day when I was on my last shot, dark rain clouds came rolling in and making it difficult to
finish. As we all stood there in dismay, the clouds parted for a minute and a streak of light came through allowing us to wrap the shoot. Just then, I turned around to find the old chair behind the glass window smiling at us. I had to thank the chair on the way out.

finish. As we all stood there in dismay, the clouds parted for a minute and a streak of light came through allowing us to wrap the shoot. Just then, I turned around to find the old chair behind the glass window smiling at us. I had to thank the chair on the way out.
Sometimes I get the feeling that you have to treat inanimate objects (such as appliances) with respect and love like you should with another human being.